i am enjoying taking a picture every day.
i think it is a very cool way to chronicle my life.
these pictures that i've taken
over the past 2 months
really capture my environment
really capture my environment
and the big events in my life.
i'm excited to see how this year progresses
because in a month or two i will be moving
and i can only imagine how different my life will be.
and the pictures will reflect those changes.
and that's pretty cool.
it's also nice evidence of my doings.
life moves too fast.
it's also nice evidence of my doings.
life moves too fast.
and sometimes we forget to stop
and enjoy the little things.
or we forget the things that mattered to us
because we have already moved on
to the next cool new thing.
this is a way to slow down
and remember.
i like it.
1. up 2. fruit
3. your neighborhood 4. bedside
5. smile 6. 5 pm
7. something you wore 8. window
9. red 10. loud
11. someone you talked to today 12. fork
13. a sign 14. clouds
15. car 16. sunglasses
17. green 18. a corner of your home
19. funny 20. before/after
21. delicious 22. kitchen sink
23. moon 24. animal
25. breakfast 26. key
27. your name 28. trash
29. feet 30. toy
31. where you relax
now i have to get ready for