fat mum slim, the creator of #fmsphotoaday, wrote this letter to herself today about how she came up with her photo a day challenge and how photo a day changes everything. and she couldn't be more right. taking one photo a day really does change everything. i'm so much more in tune with my surroundings and much more inclined to notice the little, everyday details. sometimes life can feel a little monotonous, but having a different theme to look at each day with is pretty cool.
sometimes i'm overwhelmed by the number of things that i see that fit the theme and end up taking 15-20 photos in one day, all on that day's theme, just to find that perfect one. a good example of this is star from december 2013 -- i must have taken 30 pictures that day; i was seeing stars everywhere i looked!
or sometimes the theme of the day fits that day's events perfectly. for example, water on april 14th -- we had spent the day before partying around new orleans, and all i wanted to do on sunday was to get hydrated. or on my mind on april 20th -- we spent the night looking at the stars and getting engaged (!) so a lot of things were on my mind that night, but mostly i was thinking about how awesome the universe is, and i think the photo of the moon is quite fitting for that thought.
regardless of how well, or not well, the theme fits, or how easy/hard it is to find a picture that i'm happy with, i love the opportunity photo a day gives me to enjoy the little things in life. and i love that it's changed the way i view the world, focusing on the small everyday things, so that i can better appreciate the my life and the opportunities i'm given to do something awesome.

what did your april look like?
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