May 16, 2011

we are the union...

the mighty, mighty union!!

UFT rally. 

and about 10,000 other people, 
were protesting Mayor Bloomberg's proposed teacher layoffs.

and we had a rockin' good time.

somehow we ended up carrying this huge banner.

there were some amazing signs:

fire teachers, students get burned

(on the back of a little girl)
don't balance the budget on my back!

we are all wisconsin

this is what democracy looks like

(on the UFT t-shirts)
"the education mayor." really?

this is me attempting to hold the banner, 
while the wind was blowing hard core. 
i may have almost sailed away. 

look at all those people!
(this line went on for blocks!)

and there were some amazing chants.

my favorite, even though i had a hard time saying it, was:

el pueblo, unido, jamás será vencido
(the people, united, will never be defeated)

AEL's protesters!

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