April 10, 2013

52 lists -- week 14 -- list your childhood and current dream jobs

remember when you were a kid and every time you met a new adult they would ask: "what do you want to be when you grow up?" i know. it was the worst. and it only got worse over time, because once you got into high school and college that question had a lot more stress and pressure behind it. the idea that as a child, or even as a young adult, you would have any concept what you want to do for the rest of your life is crazy because most adults still don't know what they want "to do when they grow up".

but, for me, it's still an interesting question to ask because i think it's kind of cool to see a person's trajectory -- where you wanted to start from, where you've been, and where you think you're going or where you want to go.

my childhood dream job was to be a vet. i wanted to be a vet from when i was super tiny until high school. and then i changed my mind to forensic scientist or crime scene investigator because i thought CSI was the bomb diggity (a term i freely used in high school). but after a particularly grueling senior biology class i realized that as much as i loved learning about all sorts of crazy and interesting science things, i loved history more. and i changed my dream job a final time, to teaching. and i've never looked back.

i have gotten so much more out of teaching than i ever thought possible. i've met some amazing and talented people, adults and children, that inspire and awe me on a daily basis. and i've learned so much -- which may be why i like teaching so much. to teach, you must first learn, and in my opinion, educating yourself is the most important thing you can do in life. so while life may take me to new cities and give me new opportunities, i think education is it for me -- whether i'm in front of a classroom or behind the scenes, being in the field of education is what i want to be doing. (but if i could be a paid food critic or travel writer too, that'd be swell!)

what do you want to do when you grow up?


  1. I wanted to be a forensic scientist but I don't like science I just really like CSI the show! Lovely list!

    14th & Peachtree

    1. thanks nik! and i'm so excited that you've started the 52 lists project. it's really fun to reflect a little in this busy world, isn't it?
