July 15, 2011

mi primero clase de español

so i've been told to update this sucker.

(you aren't pleased with my long overdue czech updates?

well, you will have to deal with gross looking posts then.

at least until i can get to a computer and fix them
and add pictures.

tomorrow will mark the end of week 2 in mexico.


jb has left,
so the fun part is over,
(more will be said about this,
but you really need to see the pictures to get it.)
now it is time for learning spanish with lp.

we had our first class this morning.
and i think i did ok.

(i'm pretty convinced i sound like an idiot 95% of the time.)

i knew a lot of what she taught us
(how to conjugate verbs)
but having someone explain it to you
instead of trusting rosetta stone,
just cause it's rosetta stone,
is nice.

and we have homework.


we have to write about a friend.
making it as long as possible
so we can practice all of the fun verbs we learned today.

i'm kind of excited
and kind of totally flippin' nervous.

tal vez.

ps. you should assume any and all spanish i attempt to write here
is completely wrong.

i am a mess,
as we all know all too well.

pps. we are currently in puerto escondido
(the 2nd place in the world for surfing)
and the waves here are freaking crazy huge.
100 per cent.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having an amazing time! Miss you so much!
