a month ago, a friend of ours invited us to hike/climb baboquivari, the holiest mountain for the tohono o'odham tribe, for his birthday. our friend is from tubac, a town slightly south of tucson along I-19, so he's wanted to climb baboquivari for as long as he can remember. every year he attempts to summit the mountain, but inevitably he comes up short because the last part of the mountain needs be climbed with ropes. this year, he decided that he'd had enough and hired a guide to help him (and us!) get to the top.
this is a story in pictures of our 12 hour hike up baboquivari.

how cute is this jack rabbit?
happy birthday tv!
the beginning of the hike: 6am. gross.

ahhh. i love these trees.

one of our guides.
climb on!

we made it to the top!

tokens of gratitude to i'itoi.
"kiss the mountain air we breathe."

how cool are our guides? they're doing a simultaneous belay. amazing.
we did it!
thanks to tv & bv for the use of their pictures. and for letting us tag along! you guys are awesome.
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